Props and Costumes

 For this entry, I will be explaining the props and costumes for each scene within Emma and I's
short film. For the opening scene, we did not have to purchase anything new due to the simplicity of the scene. Kayla will be seen wearing a navy blue sundress and sneakers, while Elle will be seen wearing blue jeans, a white top, and sneakers as well. The only props within this scene are backpacks and a cell phone, both of which we already had in possession. The same applies or scene number 2, as Elle will be seen in the same clothing only this time in a car. We will be utilizing my personal car for this scene, which is sensible because I will be playing the role of Elle. In scene 3, Elle returns back to her home. The props utilized are basic household items, which are already furnished within the location we have chosen to film. In the following scene, two new props are introduced to the film. These two items are a bottle of melatonin pills, and flowers in a vase. We were able to purchase both items at our local CVS, and used an old vase I had found in my garage. In scene 5, Elle has an outfit change into something a bit more comfortable looking. She will be wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and a thin long sleeve shirt, which we were also able to find in our personal closets. In scene 6, Elle awakes to an outfit laid out on her bed. For this specific outfit, we wanted to find clothing that seemingly contrasts the usual style Elle has worn thus far. This is to emphasize the fact that Elle's "stalker" is the one who picked it out. To our luck, Emma and I found a patterned skirt and collared top at Goodwill that fit this idea perfectly. Elle is seen wearing this outfit in the following scene. In scene 8, the boy is introduced to the film. He will be seen wearing a black sweatshirt and patterned, surfer-like, shorts. This costume was provided by the male actor playing the role. The water bottle used within this scene was also his own. Once he "kidnaps" Elle, the scene changes to the inside of a car. We thought the best car to use in an attempt to capture the essence of the scene was my dad's pickup truck. The next time a new essential prop is introduced is in scene 10, in which we found a prop knife off of Amazon to ensure no actual blades could harm the actors. Finally, in the final scene, I was able to borrow monitors my parents use for work. The lab coat costumes were also purchased from Amazon.


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