Genre Research - Horror
The main point of a horror film is to drive fear and terror within its audience. This is accomplished through several different elements. The setting for a horror film typically takes place in a dark or rural area, possibly abandoned or isolated. This invokes a sullen tone for the audience right off the bat and foreshadows the idea that the events taking place will not likely be happy ones. The camera movements and angles themselves are generally simple so that they will not distract from the characters and events too much. However, horror films can get away with using odd angles as well, such as a skewed angle for added effect. Sound-wise, there is much variation in what sound effects horror films could utilize. They can use minimalistic music in order to build suspense, and may also do so through complete silence. They typically also use loud sound effects to effectively create jump scares within the audience. Also, the music used during the climactic parts is typically very loud and orchestrated, normally made up of many "minor" notes adding to the fear developed within the audience. The main element for editing a horror movie is getting the timing for everything right. In order to effectively scare the audience and build suspense, the editing must accomplish this perfectly. Especially when it comes to jumping scares, the timing of the scare must occur at a very specific time in order to successfully make the audience jump. The editing also includes variations between slow and suspenseful scenes versus short and quickly cut scenes packing a lot of action. Also, the lighting dynamics used when editing horror movies tend to be darker with less exposure and contrast. This helps to set the mood throughout the movie and add to its eerieness. Some elements of this genre I enjoy are the contrast between suspense and key scares, as well as the dark mood created by music and lighting. I also enjoy the fact that there are many suspenseful scenes and action-packed ones, ensuring the audience will not easily get bored. Some examples of horror films are "The Shining" and "Midsommar."
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